Food And Rain Water

Like all human, we need food and water to survive even from the beginning of time. If you want to get food and water you should try supermarkets, restaurant, houses, if you have animal or a pond near by you should go hunting for food. Most of the time supermarket are empty so try your best to find food as much as you can in your first day. There should be food around here. If all else fail try to get water first then go back to food there should a lot of water near by if you live close to somewhere that has a lot of water. If not you can always count on the rain most of the time if you look up in the night and you don’t see stars it might rain tomorrow. If you don’t live lost to a river or it doesn’t rain that much you can always try to dig down most of the time there should be water there. If there water, rain, or food try to move somewhere else like in a place where there some food and water you can survive on.

picture from:Link